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AMAZI-ng Ingredient Spotlight: Plantains!

by Sales Team 14 Jan 2020
AMAZI-ng Ingredient Spotlight: Plantains!

Plantains are generally absent from the traditional American palate, and yet they are wildly popular in cultures around the globe, in a variety of different dishes. 

Here at Amazi, we are bringing this powerhouse prebiotic fruit from our farmers in Uganda into mainstream U.S. diets via our dried and roasted plantain chips!


Cooked, fried, and roasted plantains are a staple in traditional dishes in many South American countries and in the Carribean, which have cultural influences from ~across the pond~ in Africa. Plantains are also one of the largest crops in Uganda (where we source and produce our fruit!), predominantly used to make beer!


Cooked plantains can taste anywhere on the spectrum of savory to sweet depending on its initial ripeness. Our roasted plantains taste like your next favorite cracker with a dash of salt or spice. 

Health Benefits:

Plantains are naturally anti-inflammatory and a great source of resistant starch. Resistant starches are not absorbed into the small intestine and therefore do not become glucose; instead, plantains are fermented in the large intestine which creates healthy bacteria, improves glycemic control, and keeps you feeling full for longer. In addition to all of this, plantains are high in prebiotic fiber, leaving your gut feeling balanced and maintaining healthy digestion!

When to eat our plantain chips:

Throwing a dinner party? Have some extra hummus or guac? Needing some crunch on that boring salad? Eat our plantain chips when in need of an energy boost or to make your cracker snacking healthier. 


Feeling hungry yet? Good news- you can shop our full collection of plantain chips on this very website! Who knew?!

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