Josephine Nyaketcho
Age: 32
Lives in: Zirobwe
How long working at the facility? 2 years
Main Job: Production Supervisor
Who does she live with: stays alone
Job before: working in a hotel, as a waitress
How does this job compare?
It is food industry, so there is handling of food directly, involves more customer care and a positive attitude. Still somewhat related!
What have you learned here?
I have learned how to work with people of different calibers and backgrounds - in my previous job it was an urban setting, here they’re from a rural setting, and adapt understanding them and being a leader. It takes a lot to lead people who haven’t been to school, Manage the targets, have a common goal among different people.
Why do you like working here?
New environment, lots to learn, and in terms of management and new products that keep coming in!
What has changed working here since you first started?
As time goes on, work gets more intense! There is that adaptability that someone has to have to keep up with the changing times. The environment and the people… I’ve had to up my management skills through all of that. The product development is new too - we used to only do two items, and it’s exciting to start trying other products.
Favorite product: Chili Lime Jackfruit!
What’s unique about working for Amazi?
Purely organic! And we have to work together all of us toward achieving the same goal.
Why is a company like Amazi Foods important? What is the impact?
Providing jobs to people in the community, and it has enlightened most people who haven’t been outside of their villages. These interactions have really improved their lives - exposing them to different kinds of people. It has helped the economy - farmers have somewhere to sell their products, people have somewhere to go, there is local industry.
How did you feel when you first started?
I have never worked in a rural area, at first I was a little nervous, and wasn’t excited, but I was interested to know what it was all about. I wanted to learn about what they could possibly do with jackfruit, and the skills of value addition. There’s never been an opportunity like this!
What are you hoping to do with the increased income?
I have improved my life personally, I have been able to do some small products upcountry - back at home. Some farming and investing in livestock!
Anything you want to say to our customers?
I appreciate you all for accepting new products, and being willing to try our unique products! We would love to hear what they want us to produce next!