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Behind The Scenes

From the Founder's Desk: Authentic Sharing

by Renee Dunn 09 Jun 2021
From the Founder's Desk: Authentic Sharing

Throughout COVID, I spent a lot of time thinking about my relationships with social media, with myself, with food, with my business, with those close to me. ⁠

I found social media overwhelming, and overall having a negative impact on my ability to be present - again, personally and for Amazi. To think critically and stay focused. To feel confident in my choices and myself. To be accountable for forming my own thoughts and decisions. ⁠

I've always struggled with seeking and sharing - they're not the same thing at all, but they often conflated for me. As a founder, and particularly a founder new to the CPG space, I'd often put things into the ether before they were fully cooked. I'd look to see if others echoed the same thing, or if industry people seemed to take note. Similarly, I'd seek advice before I sat with my own thoughts - did I feel a decision was right for the brand? Was I excited by it? That often came AFTER I asked all 5 of my mentors and 3 other brands... and of course, trying to discern that sense of intuition once I'd already shared and gotten feedback was tough to do.

This feeling of seeking when sharing only amplified at the start of the pandemic. I felt like EVERYONE was throwing things out there, and it was hard for me to block out noise. So I stepped back. It was important for me to do so - to create a little bit of separation, and to force myself to be more present with all that had been stirred up behind the scenes. 

And yet, I've missed sharing!! The element of connecting with our community and audience is so important to me. Enter - "From the Founder's Desk." A space for me to share authentically with our community. To stay transparent and open, without the instant pings and scrolling of social media... and above all else, have some FUN sharing what I'm passionate about! 

Topics I have lined up include:

  • My evolving relationship with food, and how Amazi fits in
  • Neocolonialism & Trade, and what Amazi does to address this
  • AM and PM Routines that help ground me
  • Mental Health & Entrepreneurship
  • Why I still teach fitness classes
  • Why it takes so damn long to hit shelves!
  • My process for daily & weekly planning
  • Discipline vs. Freedom (and why you need one to feed the other)

I hope this resonates! What else would you like to hear? Comment on this post, or shoot me a note:

Thank you for reading, and I can't wait to continue sharing authentically with you!

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